We aim to donate to external charities on an annual basis, both locally and nationally.
Each year the congregation selects a charitable organisation which we donate to throughout the year.
For 2023 and 2024 it has been decided that our focus for fundraising is St Cuthbert's Church. The church holds charitable status and our fundraising will support the maintenance of the church building and meet the day to day running costs to ensure St Cuthbert's remains open for all.
We also support Queenscourt Hospice and The Leprosy Mission by taking a collection for each charity on one Sunday in the year.
Each year we hold a Harvest lunch following the Harvest Festival service in church in support of Charitable organisations.
In the past our Harvest celebration has supported many charities, including:
Toilet Twinning
Southport Soup Kitchen
Mercy Ships
Water Aid
Save the Children
Antokia Children's Charity
Alzheimer's UK
St Cuthbert's Church
A small dedicated group within St Cuthbert's Church hold special events in support of The Children's Society.
Events include:
a 'Soup and Pie Lunch' (usually in February),
a 'Spring Coffee Morning' (usually in March),
a 'Strawberry Tea' (usually in July)
a 'Coffee and Gingerbread' morning in November
and the Christingle Service in December.
Our Church members give their personal support each year in support of Christian Aid to help those living in poverty throughout the world.
St Cuthbert's Bible Study Group hold a Lentern Tea each year, and funds raised are sent to various overseas charitable organisations.
In 2017, the group raised £328 which was sent to Save the Children for work in East Africa.
The church encourages the use of "Fair Trade" products where possible.
There is a continuous collection of food and toiletry items within St Cuthbert's for the Southport Foodbank.
A number of the congregation of St Cuthbert's work with Churchtown Christian Visitors. They provide companionship and social events for older and housebound people in the Parish and local area. Funds are raised, by way of coffee mornings, to enable them to organise outings each year to local garden centres or similar venues for afternoon tea. A very worthwhile local charitable organisation.
Through payment of the church's Parish Share to the Liverpool Diocese, this parish also makes a contribution to the cost of mission and ministry in the many deprived areas which exist in other areas of the Diocese.