

The choir is an S.A.T.B. choir and entrance into it is based on a living sense of vocation and there is no audition process as such.  Members wear a cassock and surplice and junior members serve a probationary period before they receive their surplice and admission to the choir certificate.  Junior members receive a modest payment for attendance at rehearsals and services.  We also contribute to wedding services if requested.  The choir follows the R.S.C.M.’s Voice for Life program which allows choristers to progress through the various coloured ribbons/ medals and the option of doing the external Dean’s, Bishop’s and Gold Award at a later stage if they wish to.  There is currently a need for more Altos, Tenors and Basses.  The process of learning to be a chorister is by a process of osmosis: through observation, listening and sitting next to more experienced members.  There is an expectation of all choristers that the process of being a member of the choir involves listening, rehearsing and refining to make one’s contribution the finest we can offer. 


Repertoire: The choir sings a mixture of music ranging from anthems, psalms and gives support to the congregation with hymn singing.  The hymnbook used is Hymns Old and New (2000 edition) from which we use a variety of material drawn from a range of sources.  We use the Communion settings by William Mathias, Christopher Tambling and Grayston Ives.  The hymns that we use each Sunday are chosen with the aid of the R.S.C.M. planner.      

The organ is a fine three manual (Swell, Great, Choir) and pedals instrument of thirty three speaking stops by the nineteenth century Northern England builder Forster and Andrews.  Over the course of time the specification has been changed so that now the choir division resembles more a German positif.  It has recently been cleaned and overhauled.  We have a series of Summer Organ Recitals on Friday evenings when the church choir is on its summer holiday and a Last Night of the Proms concert.   

Anyone interested in joining the choir should contact either:

Paul Jones (Organist and Choirmaster)  Carl Kirk (Choir Leader)

0151 486 6699

Choir practices are currently held on Fridays, 5.30pm-7.00pm. 

Junior Choir rehearse 5.30pm-6pm. 



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