The Children's Society

The Children's Society is a national charity that runs local projects, helping children and young people when they are at their most vulnerable, and have nowhere left to turn. 

The Children’s Society helps change children’s stories, working towards a country where all children are free from disadvantage.  It has been trusted for over a century to drive change locally and nationally and provide support where it’s needed most. 

Every year, The Children's Society work directly with more and more of the most disadvantaged children. This is done through its extensive network of frontline services, supported by an army of volunteers. Together, they tackle child poverty and neglect head on, from helping families trapped in debt, child runaways and young carers, to stopping child sexual exploitation.

Since the day the Society was founded by Sunday school teacher Edward Rudolf, it has been at the forefront of pioneering change for children. The Society opened the UK’s first residential children’s care home and first safe house for runaways. It was instrumental in securing free school meals for all infant school children living in poverty.

The many supporters of the Society around the country fund the services and join the campaigns to show children and young people they are on their side.

Here at St Cuthbert's Church a small group of ladies work hard to raise much needed funds for the Society by holding various events throughout the year.  These events include a Soup and Pie Lunch, a Spring Coffee Morning, a Strawberry Tea in the Summer and a Coffee and Gingerbread Morning in the Autumn.  They are also very involved with arrangements for the Christingle Service, which is held every year in December, and when every child at the service receives a Christingle made by the ladies and donations are invited for the work of The Children's Society.

if you would like to know more about The Children's Society or if you would like to be involved with this invaluable work please contact..

Sue Dixon  01704 225468 or Email:

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