SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES *10.30am-Holy Communion. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday Our Holy Communion is based on the Book of Common Worship and services are held on the first, third and fifth Sunday of every month. It has been decided, for the time being, to only administer the bread during these services.
*10 A traditional Morning Prayer service is held on the second and fourth Sunday of every month. Preaching is generally set around a set Bible reading with hymns accompanied by organ or CD music, and choir. Coffee and tea are served in the Church Hall after the service, providing an invaluable time of fellowship with friends and visitors alike. * The format of the services can change during the year and up to date information can be found on our website calendar and in our monthly church magazine. At all 10.30 am services, we offer a supervised crèche with a dedicated space at the rear of church, but children are welcome to stay with their parents if they prefer and take a drawstring children’s toy bag. located by the creche area, back to their pew. Special Sunday Services are held throughout the year and details of these can be found on our 'Coming Soon' page and our website calendar. Details are also advised in our monthly church magazine.
1st and 2nd Sunday of each month during School Term Time. We share fun, fellowhip and faith, exploring Christianity through stories, crafts, art, music and games. Children may stay independently from 3 years, although younger children are always welcome if accompanied by parents or guardians. Come each week or whenever you can. We look forward to meeting you. See the Children and Young People page for more details. |