Parish Giving Scheme Update


 Giving to St Cuthbert's Church

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This is an opportunity to thank everyone who has given to the mission and ministry of St Cuthbert’s Church by way of the Envelope Schemes, (both Gift Aid and non-Gift Aid, or the brown envelopes from the pews), the Parish Giving Scheme, by standing order or simply donations on the collection plates. All donations received, in whatever form, are very much appreciated.

This year is set, once again, to be a challenging year for many people and in many different ways. The energy crisis will affect the Parish Church Council as heating costs increase for both the Church and the Parochial Hall. Likewise, maintenance costs will escalate with the increase in the cost of living which we are all experiencing.

This may be a time when each one of us could review our giving and think carefully whether we can slightly increase our weekly/monthly donations to help St Cuthbert’s keep up with the rising inflation. Those of us who have joined the Parish Giving Scheme or chosen to donate by way of standing order, have found these to be very convenient means of giving and thus ensuring our church of a regular income. 

Please also consider the Gift Aid scheme if you are a UK taxpayer.  This scheme enables the church to claim back the income tax you have paid on the amount of your donations and over the years has proved to be an essential part of the income of St Cuthbert’s.

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 I would be very happy to discuss the options with any members of the congregation who are not currently using the various schemes and any mamber of the public who would like to join the scheme. Please contact me if you are interested, or if you would like to Gift Aid your donations; I would love to hear from you!

Thank you.

Stephen Hopwood

Gift Aid Secretary

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